I'm climbing against climate poverty!

Ricarda B
Afgesloten Je kunt niet meer doneren
van totaal € 450 (110%)

I am very concerned about the climate crisis and like to take action where possible.

With this challenge I can combine climate activism with one of my favorite hobbies: Climbing.

My biggest challenge in climbing is my fear of heights which gets worse under pressure - so climbing for 12 hour will have this extra personal challenge for me to conquer.

I am a bit nervous and super excited to take on this challenge. With a team of friends from XR Utrecht, I hope we can make a contribution to support the small coffee farmers who produce our coffee and who face extreme climate challenges.

The farmers have to deal with extreme drought, heavy rainfall and pests and diseases which has become more intense due to the climate crisis. Their harvest is therefore very unpredictable and the result is extreme poverty and a very uncertain future.

To support the farmers, we raise money to help the farmers plant trees which store CO2 and provide shade which can help them increase their income.

On the 4th of november, my team and I will climb for 12 hours and I hope that you want to support us through this fundraiser.

Any amount is very welcome.

Help me and make a contribution for sustainable coffee and a living wage for the makers of our coffee!

Thank you!

With love and rage,


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